"I continue to work on addressing inequalities in Croatia and Europe and on foreign policy issues in the EU and in our closest neighborhood, this time as the S&D Coordinator on the European Parliament's Foreign Policy Committee.
I will assist countries that wish to join the European Union as rapporteur for the Committee on Foreign Affairs for the IPA III Financial Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, as well as for the European Parliament rapporteur for the Western Balkans Summit. I would like to make concrete recommendations for the removal of blockades in the negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania as soon as possible.
I am particularly pleased to inform you that our Clean Energy Initiative became a part of the European Green Deal and that the new EU budget for 2020 contains my Action Plan to continue financing the energy transition of islands and rural areas worth four million euro over the next two years. Also, the Intergroup for Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas continues to work in this mandate with more than 30 new MEPs who joned this year", said MEP Tonino Picula.
Find more details in the newsletter in the attachment.